SQL Excel

Are you an Excel Professional interested in learning about SQL and how it can improve your career?

Begin your SQL journey with the resources below.

SQL Statement Samples for Tutorials

SQL Statement Samples for Tutorials

  Use the Excel Templates below to follow along with the Excel2SQL Tutorials. Feel free to download and modify these smooth templates to Create your own SQL Scripts. [embeddoc...

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Create Tables

Create Tables

We will create some brand new tables in SQL Management Studio using Excel as a template in this tutorial. The sample data is a fictitious list of Experts and their areas of specialty. Below is a quick Description of our tables and a short sampling of each. This...

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Updating Table Data, Excel VS SQL

Updating Table Data, Excel VS SQL

Change is part of life and our data is extremely susceptible to these changes. Can Microsoft Excel Keep up with all of the changes to your data? Maybe it's time to use SQL to update your data. Let’s discuss updating data in an effective way. Up until now, many of the...

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Excel Pros should learn SQL to pull their own data.

Excel Pros should learn SQL to pull their own data.

Let's discuss why Excel Users should learn SQL to pull their own data. First, we will answer the basic question, What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query language. It is used to manage structured information in database tables. Structured data is formatted for...

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