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4 Most Useful Excel Functions

4 Most Useful Excel Functions

4 Most Useful Excel Functions Microsoft excel is a powerful tool used for data manipulation and organization. The mastery of its functions and formulas can help you exceed expectations and make you a Rockstar among your cubicle mates. However, new excel users may find...

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VLOOKUP Reference and Quick Tips

VLOOKUP Reference and Quick Tips

Vlookup has been a leading feature of Microsoft Excel for a long time. For many users, its the first function they think of when opening a spreadsheet. Excel has several types of Lookups but VLOOKUP is the most commonly used of the bunch. Let this page be your...

Stop Wasting Time Rewriting Formulas

Stop Wasting Time Rewriting Formulas

Stop Wasting Time Rewriting Formulas, Save everything in a Scriptionary When’s the last time you spent over fifteen minutes in Excel fumbling through the formula bar to recreate a formula you already know?  The cycle of anger and blame begins as you think “Why didn’t...

How to make Shareable Spreadsheets

How to make Shareable Spreadsheets

I want to share a really helpful concept with my Excel Shortcut readers. It's called Spreadsheet Shareability and it will definitely help you get recognition as an Excel Pro within your Organization. Have you noticed that certain Spreadsheets are shared and/or...

3 Important Reasons to Learn Excel shortcuts

3 Important Reasons to Learn Excel shortcuts

So why do you need to learn Excel shortcuts or any shortcuts for that matter? Let's go over three reasons, and an extra bonus reason of how learning shortcuts will help improve your life. **Reason 1** Saving Precious Time - To save the most time possible, pay close...